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Pride Month Statement

As we kick off Pride Month, it's time to celebrate with parades, festivals, and everything rainbow. This year is especially meaningful for me, as I had the honor of casting my first vote for a transgender candidate—myself. Come November, I hope to be your next state representative.

However, this isn't just about my campaign. Ohio has become increasingly hostile for LGBTQ people. The GOP supermajority has relentlessly pushed anti-LGBTQ legislation, causing some trans youth families to flee the state. While the trans healthcare ban is temporarily halted, the threat remains.

The proposed drag bans, bathroom bans, "don't say gay" bills, and criminalization of teachers and librarians are real and dangerous. We must recognize the gravity of our situation. 

Now is the time to stand up, speak out, and never back down. Get involved in the legislative process. Contact your representatives, submit testimony, protest, write letters, and most importantly, vote. Register others to vote and mobilize GOTV efforts.

Every election feels critical, but this one truly is. Our lives depend on it. The GOP has declared open season on civil rights, particularly reproductive and LGBTQ rights.

Pride festivals are wonderful, but they alone won't save us. We must reclaim our Stonewall heritage and commit to the hard work of progress. Otherwise, we may find little to celebrate in the coming years.

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